Do you have a question about the Advanced Discipleship Training? We have compiled a list of common questions we regularly receive from people considering enrolling in the ADT Program.
Luther Rice Seminary & University will give 3 hours credit towards their Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling degree for those who satisfactorily complete all ADT course requirements.
“Jesus said, ‘You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free’ and freedom in Christ took on new meaning when I completed the ADT through Christian Families Today. If you want to truly experience the life of Christ in your daily walk and if you long to live out of your true identity in Christ, immerse yourself in discipleship training through CFT. You’ll never be the same again and you’ll be forever grateful.”
“The Lord has done so much in my life these past few months, and I feel like the truths I learned in class have really “clicked” or a least are becoming more real in my life every day. I constantly find myself noticing lies from the enemy and rights I have held on to that need to be surrendered. It was such an incredible blessing to be able to go through the class and learn what I did at 22 years old. My life has truly been changed by the Truth. I am overflowing with the joy of the Lord! Thank you for the time, love, prayer, and devotionals. I am so grateful for each of you and just wanted you to know that understanding Christ as my life has changed me remarkably!”
“My ADT experience is like no other experience in my life of close to fifty years. When God is allowed to be God in us and in others is when we witness real miracles. At Christians Families Today the Holy Spirit is invited to come and remain, to minister in and through all He pleases. Bathed in prayer this ministry reaches out to touch God’s creation and lives are changed.”
“It’s hard to briefly sum up what my experience in the ADT has meant to my life but if I could, it would be one word – FREEDOM! I have come to grow in, rest in, and understand the freedom that is mine in Christ!”
“The ministry of Christian Families Today has truly brought to light in my life that God has a plan and my life can be lived with passion and enthusiasm. Life in Christ is a beautiful journey.”
“My reflections on ADT now…..3 years later… still…A HUGE INCREDIBLE AWESOME… WOW!!! I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL!!!!”
“Through the ADT, God helped me open up more and reminded me that my worth doesn’t come from how well I do or don’t do.”
“ADT was an instrument of God in my life. He used the dedicated, wonderful, genuine, rock-solid, spirit-filled CFT staff to take me through all the weeks and months of this powerful teaching. I am still being changed from glory to glory as I allow Christ to live His life in me….and through me.”
“ADT was the most intense in-depth Bible study I have ever experienced, and I loved it!!! I loved it when I was tired and I loved it when I was confused and I loved it even when I was completely overwhelmed!!!”
“ADT for me has been a wonderful journey of discovery. I have discovered my true identity in Christ. God bless this ministry mightily!!!”
“ADT is an experience I would recommend to anyone. It has been the beginning of a wonderful growing journey that has at times been painful, but a ‘good hurt'”.