In the Insights Into Marriage Seminar, Greg and Connie share biblical insights into how to have a life-long, joy-filled marriage. Dramatization and personal stories make the weekend interesting and fun to attend. The seminar consists of 6 sessions and the usual format is designed to take place over a weekend retreat.
Come learn how to LIVE in healthy relationships with God, yourself, and others. The LIFE seminar is not just another performance-based seminar but a life-transforming experience empowered by the Holy Spirit to all who believe. This insightful, yet practical seminar is commonly scheduled on Friday night and Saturday format.
The Advanced Discipleship Training (ADT) is an interactive course of studies designed to lead a believer into a deeper personal and practical understanding of God’s grace. This study teaches the truths of the Exchanged Life. It consists of five courses (ADT I, II, III, IV, and V) which are designed to be taken consecutively.
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