Romans 8:1-4: Living Free from Condemnation and Powerlessness

In this episode, host Ross O'Hair and guest Mark Fields delve into Romans 8:1-4 to explore how believers can experience true freedom from feelings of condemnation, isolation, and powerlessness. They discuss the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in overcoming sin and temptation, offering practical insights on how to live moment by moment under the Spirit's guidance. Listen today to gain a deeper understanding of how to apply biblical truths to break free from cycles of guilt and shame, and to live confidently in the assurance of God's unwavering love and presence.
Romans 8:1-4: Living Free from Condemnation and Powerlessness, Season 3, Episode 15

Romans 8:1-4: Living Free from Condemnation and Powerlessness S3-E15

Living IN Jesus Podcast

Romans 8:1-4: Living Free from Condemnation and Powerlessness: Season 3, Episode 15

December 5, 2024 β€’ 21 min

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In this episode, host Ross O’Hair and guest Mark Fields delve into Romans 8:1-4 to explore how believers can experience living free from feelings of condemnation, isolation, and powerlessness. They discuss the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in overcoming sin and temptation, offering practical insights on how to live moment by moment under the Spirit’s guidance. Listen today to gain a deeper understanding of how to apply biblical truths to break free from cycles of guilt and shame, and to live confidently in the assurance of God’s unwavering love and presence.

Key Verses:

Romans 8:1-4: β€œTherefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.”


β€œβ€¦right now, in this moment, God is not condemning me, and there’s nothing in my life He would condemn me for.”

β€œOne of Satan’s favorite strategies is to create in our minds a distance between us and God.”

β€œWe experience freedom as we trust that God is right there with us, empowering us to trust Him and enjoy His life.”


  1. Introduction (00:00)
  2. Reading Romans 8:1-4 (01:08)
  3. From Despair to Deliverance: Transitioning from Romans 7 to 8 (02:01)
  4. The Spirit Unleashed (03:16)
  5. Prison Break Part 1: Escaping Condemnation’s Cell (05:09)
  6. Prison Break Part 2: Overcoming the Powerlessness Prison (08:12)
  7. Defying Spiritual Gravity: The Aerodynamics of Faith (12:20)
  8. Soaring Daily: Trusting God in Every Moment (15:18)
  9. Example of Fighting Anxiety in the Middle of the Night (17:02)
  10. Key Takeaways and Summary (20:05)


  • Here Forever by Adigold
  • Dreaming Calming Relaxation by OlexandrIgnatov

(all rights and licensing from envato elements)

Show Credits:

Hosted by: Ross O’Hair
Participating Staff: Mark Fields
Scripture Read By: Corrie O’Hair
Edited by:
Ross O’Hair and Ben Brezina

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