S1-E13: Intimacy with God

We were designed to enjoy an intimate, personal relationship with God. God intimately knows each one of his creations and invites us to know him. Our spiritual growth as believers flows from our intimate relationship with God. In this episode, Ross talks with Ben Brezina, Beau Brezina and Greg Cleland about the importance of intimacy with God and the challenges they face as they seek to walk intimately with him.

S1-E13: Intimacy with God

Living IN Jesus Podcast

S1-E13: Intimacy with God

November 6, 2020 • 63 min

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We were designed to enjoy an intimate, personal relationship with God. God intimately knows each one of his creations and invites us to know him. Our spiritual growth as believers flows from our intimate relationship with God. In this episode, Ross talks with Ben Brezina, Beau Brezina and Greg Cleland about the importance of intimacy with God and the challenges they face as they seek to walk intimately with him.

The importance of a personal relationship with God
Ways of developing intimacy with God
How God speaks
Intimacy based on trust
A testimony of trusting and listening to God
How to listen to God
Distinguishing God’s voice from human emotions and thoughts
Faith enables hearing from God
Navigating fear by talking with God
Testimony of intimacy with God deepened through adversity
An analogy of a dating relationship
Testimonies of experiencing intimacy with God
Challenges to experiencing intimacy
Learning to surrender control
Intimacy in, with, and through Jesus Christ

Theme Music:

  • This inspiration by Olexandr Ignatov

Music Interludes:

  • Dreamy Organic Electronica by Penguin Music
  • Amazing Grace by Rems Tunes
  • Easy Abstract Time Lapse Atmosphere by Sound Ego
  • Dream Background by Enrize

(all rights and licensing from envato elements)

Hosted by: Ross O’Hair
Participating Staff: Ben Brezina, Beau Brezina, Greg Cleland
Edited by: Ross O’Hair and Ben Brezina

1 Response

  1. Jack Rink

    In my own struggles to draw closer to God, a therapist recommend this series to me. An Amazon reviewer recommended this episode to begin an experience with your podcast. Thank you for sharing your life experiences to help me grow stronger as a Catholic Christian. The idea that it should not be so hard to listen to One who is already permeating our being is memorable, and is helping me. That God/Jesus/Holy Spirint, the Trinity, being entwined with my Soul/Spirit/Body can be heard is balm for me, This program taught me to be ever more needy for hearing that small voice.

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