Knowing God: God is Our Defender

In this insightful episode, host Ross O’Hair and special guest Sabrina Frazier take you on a journey of understanding and confidence as they explore the concept of God as our defender. They delve into the challenges faced by the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, discussing hidden issues, misconceptions, and temptations that arise from being falsely judged and misunderstood.Discover how Sabrina's personal journey led her to find confidence in God and rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance. Through real-life examples and heartfelt conversations, you'll learn how God can inspire you to handle being judged and misunderstood with grace and kindness.Whether you have a disability or not, this episode's final takeaway - "God is Our Defender" - offers a powerful message of trust in God's promises, the importance of submitting to Him, and finding peace in life's battles. Tune in for a heartfelt discussion that offers valuable insights and a fresh perspective on how God can be your ultimate defender, no matter the circumstances. Don't miss this episode of the "Living in Jesus" podcast!
Knowing God: God is Our Defender

Knowing God – God is Our Defender: S2-E21

Living IN Jesus Podcast

Knowing God: God is Our Defender – Season 2, Episode 21

October 26, 2023 • 16 min

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In this insightful episode, host Ross O’Hair and special guest Sabrina Frazier take you on a journey of understanding and confidence as they explore the concept of God as our defender. They delve into the challenges faced by the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, discussing hidden issues, misconceptions, and temptations that arise from being falsely judged and misunderstood.

Discover how Sabrina’s personal journey led her to find confidence in God and rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance. Through real-life examples and heartfelt conversations, you’ll learn how God can inspire you to handle being judged and misunderstood with grace and kindness.

Whether you have a disability or not, this episode’s final takeaway – “God is Our Defender” – offers a powerful message of trust in God’s promises, the importance of submitting to Him, and finding peace in life’s battles. Tune in for a heartfelt discussion that offers valuable insights and a fresh perspective on how God can be your ultimate defender, no matter the circumstances. Don’t miss this episode of the “Living in Jesus” podcast!


Deuteronomy 1:30 – “The LORD your God who goes before you will Himself fight on your behalf, just as He did for you in Egypt before your eyes”

2 Corinthians 3:5 – “Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God”

Related Resources:

Concept of God and Intimacy with God sessions found in the Living IN Jesus Study



Understanding God as Our Defender
Challenges Faced by the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
The Struggle We Face When We Try to Defend Ourselves
Finding Confidence in God
God’s Defense Through the Holy Spirit
Trusting God’s Defense
The Blessing of Depending Upon God’s Provision
Final Takeaway: Trust God to be Your Defender

Theme Music:

  • This Inspiration by Olexandr Ignatov

(all rights and licensing from envato elements)

Hosted by: Ross O’Hair
Participating Staff: Sabrina Frazier
Edited by: Ross O’Hair and Ben Brezina

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