The Greatest Commandment

In Mark 12, Jesus reveals God’s greatest commandment given to humanity – to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Because this is what God most desires from people, this command should permeate every aspect of our lives. Yet it is all too easy to just get busy doing loving things for God and our neighbor without first understanding the how and the why.In this episode, Ross O’Hair and Connie Brezina discuss how the greatest commandment is rooted both in God’s nature and the necessity for us to have a deep and meaningful relationship with our Creator.  When we fully understand God’s loving nature and how we are connected to God in Christ, we are set free…Free to love God and others the way God intended.
The Greatest Commandment: Season 2, Episode 9

The Greatest Commandment: S2-E9

Living IN Jesus Podcast

The Greatest Commandment – Season 2, Episode 9

July 20, 2023 • 17 min

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In Mark 12, Jesus reveals God’s greatest commandment given to humanity – to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Because this is what God most desires from people, this command should permeate every aspect of our lives. Yet it is all too easy to just get busy doing loving things for God and our neighbor without first understanding the how and the why.

In this episode, Ross O’Hair and Connie Brezina discuss how the greatest commandment is rooted both in God’s nature and the necessity for us to have a deep and meaningful relationship with our Creator.  When we fully understand God’s loving nature and how we are connected to God in Christ, we are set free…Free to love God and others the way God intended.


Mark 12:30-31 – “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'”

What does the greatest commandment mean for us?
What does it mean to love God and how do we do it?
Loving others by loving ourselves.
What areas of our lives does the Greatest Commandment affect?
What does it look like to follow the Greatest Commandment in our daily lives?
The role of faith in applying and living the greatest commandment
Connie’s personal journey to understanding and applying the Greatest Commandment.
How we can apply the Greatest Commandment in our daily lives
Dealing with difficult life circumstances in light of the Greatest Commandment
Final takeaway

Theme Music:

  • This Inspiration by Olexandr Ignatov

(all rights and licensing from envato elements)

Hosted by: Ross O’Hair
Participating Staff: Connie Brezina
Edited by: Ross O’Hair and Ben Brezina

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