The Freedom From Addiction Program is designed for a small group of 8 to 10 men, who gather for one two-hour session each week for 15 weeks. Each session introduces a different identification truth that enables our attendees to live victoriously in Christ and serves as a building block or stepping-stone to the next session.
January 2025
06jan6:30 pm6:30 pm(GMT-05:00) Freedom From Addiction Program Begins
The Freedom From Addiction Program exists to educate and encourage men on how to gain freedom from their drug, alcohol or sexual addictions through understanding and appropriating their identity in
The Freedom From Addiction Program exists to educate and encourage men on how to gain freedom from their drug, alcohol or sexual addictions through understanding and appropriating their identity in Jesus Christ by the Spirit’s enabling power. The program is designed for a small group of 8 to 12 men, who gather for one two-hour session each week for 17 weeks. Each session introduces a different identification truth that empowers our attendees to live victoriously in Christ and serves as a building block or stepping-stone to the next session.
January 6, 2025 6:30 pm EST(GMT-05:00)
Christian Families Today
174 Ashley Park Blvd Newnan, GA 30263
Greg Cleland
Call 770-502-8050 Today To Reserve Your Spot
“I had been struggling with successful recovery for years. I spent countless day, weeks and months searching for recovery through personal efforts. I was attacking the symptom and not the source. I was relying on the flesh, placing my confidence on self and not on God. What ultimately has set me free is discovering my identity in Christ. I now realize what kept me in bondage was living from a mistaken identity. I now see myself as God sees me. I am a new creation in Christ, loved by God. The Freedom From Addiction program at Christian Families Today allowed me to learn my true identity in Christ.”
“When I found out my behavior did not define who I was it blew me away! Changing my behaviors was the easy part, but changing my beliefs was the hard part. CFT helped me to accomplish that.”
“God worked so many things into me throughout this program. I matured so much in my understanding of how God truly loves me. I am learning to change my mind by changing the way I think.”
“The power that an individual has when he or she understands who they are in Christ is indescribable. Romans 8:37 states that we as believers in Him are “superconquerors!!!” and that’s exactly what the recovery class at Christian Families Today teaches – to discover and rest in your true identity in Christ and to allow those beliefs to drive your actions.
Greg Cleland does an awesome job at breaking open the Scripture and teaching the class how to apply it in our lives to overcome our hurts, habits, and hang-ups.”
“I’ve never jumped from a plane before, but I have felt a lot like a skydiver whose parachute is desperately tangled. I could see the end for miles away. I could see the outcome of my life on the course I was taking, yet I felt helpless, out of control and lonely.
Attempting to manage and control my own life and save myself from imminent failure and self-destruction wasn’t the answer to the world that seemed to spin around me while I was in a total free-fall.
I found the answer in Christ’s purpose, Christ’s forgiveness, Christ’s grace, Christ’s love and Christ’s hope. This was and is my salvation! This is and will be the Hope I stand on and the One I know loves me despite my poor decisions. This is the Truth that set me free!”
“I am truly living! I am living because Christ lives in me! It’s powerful! It’s real! His strength has been made perfect in my weakness! I no longer live in fear, for I no longer believe the lies of the enemy! God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of a calm, sound, well-balanced mind (2 Timothy 1:7) . . . I will forever look at life through the grid you have laid out before me. I will also teach others to do so.”