Freedom From Addiction Logo

The Freedom From Addiction Program is an addiction-breaking, life-transforming, Christ-centered, Biblically-based, 16-week, interactive course specifically tailored to men who are struggling with substance abuse and/or sexual addictions.

Real Freedom In Christ!

Jesus came to earth to set people free from their bondages and addictions. Jesus said in John 8:36 that whomever He sets free is “free indeed.” This freedom is the birthright of every person who places their faith in Christ and becomes a child of God. Whenever we state this Biblical fact, we consistently hear, “Well, I’m a believer and I’m not experiencing Christ’s freedom from my addictions!” Others say, “I have tried over and over to break my addictions and have failed. If there is really freedom in Christ, then why am I not experiencing it?” The Freedom From Addiction Program has been designed to answer these questions for you and enable you to experience the freedom that was bought and paid for by Jesus Christ.

 Many people who keep trying and failing to conquer their bad habits eventually become discouraged thinking that God must either be unwilling or not interested in removing their chains of addiction. But that belief cannot be farther from the truth. God sent Jesus to earth to set us free.”

Program Summary
Week By Week

Each program session introduces a different identification truth that enables our attendees to live victoriously in Christ and serves as a building block or stepping-stone to the next session.

View a week-by-week summary…

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question? We have compiled a list of common questions we regularly receive from people looking into our program for themselves or for someone they care about.

Frequently asked questions…

A Testimony Of
Freedom In Christ

Dallas was raised by a mother who was an alcoholic. His step father was abusive and an alcoholic. As he grew older, he became addicted to sex, drugs and alcohol. In this video, he shares how Jesus Christ has set him free.

Watch his testimony…




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