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People seek counseling for many different reasons: a crisis, a loss, a major life change, removing roadblocks to contentment, or to improve relationships. Our discipleship counseling process begins with your description of the issue that led you to seek counseling. Once the counselor has a clear understanding of your motivation, he/she presents our counseling model. If you choose to continue counseling, your counselor will start with a clear understanding of the Believer’s identity in Christ and then work back into your specific issue using our new identity as a launching pad to further resolution.
Each session typically lasts 50 minutes. You and your counselor will establish a regular schedule based on your specific need. Generally our counseling process takes 10 to 14 sessions.
All of your conversations are completely confidential (except where mandated by law). Situations of child abuse, elder abuse or imminent danger to yourself or others will be shared with those who can help bring the situation to resolution.
As a non-profit organization, CFT has no set fees* for its coaching, mentoring, and counseling services. However, CFT does depend on the payments received from counselees and others to operate. Therefore, counselees are encouraged to participate financially at a suggested rate of $125 per 50 minute session.
The Bible states in I Corinthians 9:11 “if we sowed spiritual things in you, is it too much if we should reap material things from you?” A portion of your counseling payment will be used to pay CFT office expenses. The remainder will go to the counselor’s salary. Like most missionaries, CFT staff counselors raise the majority of their salaries from the donations of others who believe in their ministry. We ask that as God prospers you financially, you would remember your CFT counselor and CFT.
If you cannot participate at the suggested rate, please do not let that stop you from receiving counseling. Our organization is structured to work with you at any amount you can afford to pay. See the question below on our sliding scale for more information.
*If your counselor determines a personality assessment is necessary, there may be a $30.00 cost per person to cover the administration, scoring, and evaluation of assessments.
Yes. The Bible says in II Corinthians 9 that a donation is acceptable according to what a man or woman has, not according to what he or she does not have. Therefore, no one will be refused counseling because of their inability to make a payment.
A payment form is included on our intake forms. If you cannot pay the full rate ($125 per 50 minute session), you may write in the price that you can pay per counseling session based on what you can afford. When you come in for your weekly sessions, you will pay that amount through cash, check or credit card. You may raise or lower your rate at any time by filling out a change form with the receptionist.
If you are unable to cover the full amount for counseling at this particular time, we ask that if you are blessed by our ministry and God provides resources down the road, you would consider donating to help us maintain our ability to offer counseling on sliding scale basis.
If needed, the financial policy will be discussed with you during the first session.
Because our counselors have chosen not to be state-licensed, our services are not covered by insurance. Recovering expenses through insurance requires that we diagnose and label clients with a mental disorder which goes against our counseling model.
If you must reschedule an appointment, please call our office at least 24 hours in advance so the counselor may reschedule their time and give others an opportunity to fill the vacated time slot. Should no one be available to speak with you personally, please leave a message on CFT’s voice mail to reschedule your appointment.
The counselors at Christian Families Today are ordained pastoral counselors or under the supervision of an ordained pastoral counselor and have been Biblically trained to minister God’s grace through the Exchanged Life discipleship counseling process. CFT’s counselors are not psychologists, psychiatrists, licensed counselors, or therapists. While some of the counselors at CFT have their Masters Degree in Counseling, all the counselors have been extensively trained in our discipleship counseling methodology through CFT’s Advanced Discipleship Training program.
Jesus said that those who abide in His Word shall know the truth, and the truth shall set them free (John 8:31-32). CFT coaches, mentors, and counselors believe that the Bible is truth and sufficient in addressing all of life’s problems that are not genetic or organic in nature.
You can read the CFT statement of faith here .
CFT is inter-denominational and has worked with people from all denominations. CFT is a member of Network 220 which suggests the standards for training Exchanged Life ministry counselors. More information about Network 220 can be found at their web site:
We offer online video counseling over the internet using a simple and secure platform called We do not offer any counseling over the telephone.
Christian Families Today is a member of Network 220 (named after Galatians 2:20). This organization is an international network of churches, counseling ministries, and training ministries – each with a focus on helping people discover their new identity in Jesus Christ and how to live out of His abundant life moment by moment, day by day.
By meeting together at least once a year, Network 220 provides uniform training standards and materials while, at the same time, allowing for some creativity in training procedures.
If you are in need of help and live an inconvenient distance from our counseling and training office in Newnan, GA, click here to access the Network 220 web site to search for an associated counseling office near you. If there are no close options, we recommend choosing the nearest ministry to call or email to find a counseling center in your vicinity.
For more information about Network 220 visit their web site at
Mondays: 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Tuesdays: 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Wednesdays: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursdays: 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Fridays: Administrative Day
“The office was very warm and inviting in what was a very tense situation. The young lady at the front desk was the perfect fit for the job. Kudos. The concept of identity and the [Exchanged Life] process was life changing. The concept and its practice could absolutely change the face of the church….. especially organized religion. Thank you!!!”
“Through your counsel, we have learned to deal with our problems in a biblical manner. We better understand who we are in Christ and are not affected to a great degree by outside influences. We also have the knowledge to fight spiritual battles and live a more victorious Christian life.”
“Words will not do justice to how much we appreciate your help. Thank you so much for your concern and counsel. We truly received our ‘miracle.'”